
It is not the liar download website. You can download all of the post as long as you can. There are characteristics of information that is usually identical with Hoax that can cause anxiety, create emotions, sources are not clear and ask to be distributed. Some steps that can be done by citizens to prove the authenticity of information obtained such as by visiting the official website of Kominfo which has provided a public communication space.
 The omission of the Hoax deployment is a very unwise act, since the writings in it are full of sentiments and discriminative things so that it is capable of causing divisions in the social level of society. Therefore get used to filter before sharing information. Social media and mainstream media also should not be silent to see this phenomenon.
As a container, they also have a very important role to provide literacy education to citizens. Social media and mainstream media must maintain their credibility to disseminate valid and correct information. Why Social media and mainstream media do not provide a specific segment on their related online page, "This is the list of Hoax news today" without having the intention to spread it but to inform the citizens that the news included on that particular page is unnecessary false news it is believed, that the warganet will be educated and more selective in seeking information.

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